Wednesday, January 28, 2009

camera less filmmaking

its been diffrent making a film without a camera, Its really calming and not as crazy as going out and trying to deal with actors(wich i hate) and worrying if about sound and well anyone who has worked on set knows i can go on forever. So far doing the scratchfilmmaking is cool. The first day we got our string of film i spent all day at work the next day trying diffrent things to see what it would do to the film. I scratched with diffrent materials and since i work at a piercing shop and have the world of chemicals at my figer tips i soaked, aplied diffrent chems. on it and even tried to see if holding alighter to try and get a burn effect, which failed horibly, the trasnfering tech i found to be a very good way to manipulate an effect on the film. after learning that me and my partner got together for and went to work on our project and did a great deal of trasnfers, i found that if you boil water and let it the tape with the pics on it soak until your hands can bare the heat, the pulp would fall off easier then just normal tap hot water. I have also notice that sitting down with a botle of rum and just listing to some music with your film strip you get lost in what your doing and before youknow it you have done something like 40 frames. I wish i had a projector to see what i am doing on screen and i think that we need acsess to the spliter so that we can put to gether a sequence so we can make our them a little more clearer. so all in all, i know no that saying you can't make a film because you don't have a cam, is a lie and a por excuse for a filmmaker to say.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This was a long read but was full of good infromation. I like how he reffred to the reader as the maker as in film maker. I also found it amusing when he would tell the reader things like if this is boring you stop reading as to do so is a waste of time. i like how he asumed that we as students propbly do not have any equminet, but to get some, and i like the list of things he said to have 16 mm film a old camera from your grandparents atic, its not everyday someone tell you to get low tech equ instead of buying a multi mill. dollar camera, to me that is stupid especialy if you know nothing about filmmaking,. i also enjoyed reading the pathe myth, between him andMelies, i have heard this before in other classes and always enjoye it, he went in to great detail about how film is projected which always loses me, for i am a hands on type of learner, and didn't understand these concepts until i was physicaly shown how cameras work and projection. the paper flicker was amusimg for that is bascily what we are doing on the basicl level. Again when he talked about splicing i had a hard time folowing reading it as in depth he went. but i have a basic understanding for spliceing. This guy realy knows his stuf and i like the way he writes and ingages the reader.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Scratch Junkies

That was a trip, one viewing was not enogh, do give a indepth resopnse for all that was going on in such a short film. I have only seen a few of these types of films and i am a little neverous about jumping in and making several. I loved the movement in the film, there were things going on all around the screen adn it alowed me not to foucs on a centeral portion of the screen. I was watching the corners and the sides looking for somthing that my mind was telling me there was, i started to see faces or what i thought should be faces. I didn't see a message in the film. Maybe becuase i am knew and use to film making a statement, not saying that this one doesn't. I mean i am use to going as far as making a film with stock or found footage and manuplating in a way to say something. This film says something with color and shapes and movement of all. Hoepfull i will become more aware to what this type of filmmaking is showing as the class moves on. In other hopes this is my first time bloging on this site so i don't even know who will see this. All in all good film and i am eager to see more and make some myself! Dustin Ivy.