Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wells Animation

This article was filed with lots of great infromation on about regular and experimatal anamation. In the artcle he explains the diffrences between the two, narativle style configuration and development. I like the explanation of how cell anamation is made and how it is diffrent from experimental. I don't agrea with him about how experimental are tottaly personal becasue and only that person knows what he was thinking when making one i feel that even experimental these films do cause a person to feel and emotion no matter what that is. look at like and dislike feelings, a person may like or dislike an exoperimental film just like some people like or dislike some regular animated films, there for both styles have created some effect on a person. I do agre that the meaning is not as easy to understand unlike regular animated film but that is becuase a regualr anamated film has an easy story with a plot and diolague, if you tell the audiance what you want them to now they will no, it is hard for some people to understand when they are left to use there own imagiation. I feel most people are lazy and don't want everything to be handed to them. When i was first reading the article and he was explaing the convenitions of regular animation and how its all two D and dosn't draw itsslef that it is a cartoon all i could think about was Duck a muck, and blam he brought that up as well, coinceadance? I like animation, and i am worried that we are going to lose it, with all that the CGI stuff coming out. In the article when he was talking about cartoon charaters in reel films i remember the first film i saw like that as a kid, was Rodger Rabit. At such an early age i thought that was the most amazing thing i had ever seen a human and a real person exzisting in the same relm and vice versa. i like it when he talked about the diffrent catch lines of famous cartoon char. like bugs and daffy and so on. I do see the improtance of the catch line and its imprtance to the character. That is what people remember about a character, what they do and say, and how when the audiance isn't watching the show and use the catch line in there own conversation. I catch myself doing it all the time, maybe not from a cartoon but other films. The only proble with this article was that when i went to print it it was prineted weird and small,. very frustrating to read that way

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